One Important Thing You Should Know if You are Not Represented by a Lawyer in Your Palmdale Car Accident Case

After a serious car accident, it can be hard to know exactly what to do. Between police reports and investigations, calls to and from insurance companies, medical treatment, the pain of injuries, and navigating work and home life with an injury, there is no doubt that the aftermath of a car accident can be very uncharted territory. Sometimes a Palmdale car accident victim may decide that they want to forgo hiring a Palmdale car accident lawyer to represent them in their case against the negligent driver that caused their injuries, perhaps thinking it will save money, or for other reasons. However, soon after their car accident, they may begin to get calls from aggressive insurance companies hurling low-ball offers for them to settle their case up-front. In addition, as time goes on, and once they file a case for compensation on their own, an unrepresented car accident victim may receive calls from the other driver’s lawyer with the same requests to resolve the case now. But is this legal and how does a Palmdale car accident lawyer ensure that they are getting all that is due to them under California personal injury laws? Here is what you need to know.
Being Contacted by a Negligent Driver’s Lawyer as an Unrepresented Party
The truth of the matter is that when a Palmdale car accident victim is not represented by a lawyer, it is fair game for an insurance company to call them to try to settle the case. In fact, there is an incentive for the negligent driver’s insurance company to try to settle the case fast and for as little as possible, and an unrepresented car accident victim is easy prey. In addition, if a Palmdale car accident victim is not represented by a lawyer, they may be contacted by the negligent driver’s legal counsel. While it is not a violation of the ethical rules for lawyers to contact an unrepresented party, it is unethical to contact a party that has representation. In sum, once you have a lawyer on your side, you can not only field aggressive insurance company calls to your lawyer, but you can also have the peace of mind that the negligent driver’s legal team cannot contact you, and must go through your legal counsel.
Finding Experienced Legal Counsel in Palmdale, California
Finding experienced legal counsel to represent you in your Palmdale car accident case may seem like a daunting task. Fortunately, the experienced Palmdale car accident lawyers at the Trevino Law Firm are here to help. The experienced Palmdale car accident lawyers at the Trevino Law Firm offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your case and to see if they can help fight to get you compensation due under California personal injury laws. The experienced Palmdale car accident lawyers at the Trevino Law Firm will handle low-ball insurance calls and fight for you in your Palmdale car accident lawsuit to get you justice. Contact the experienced Palmdale car accident lawyers at the Trevino Law Firm today and speak to a lawyer about your case for free.