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Palmdale Personal Injury Lawyer / Blog / Negligent Security / Negligent Security Cases in Palmdale, California – Know Your Rights as a Customer of a Business and What You Can Do if You are Injured on a Business Property in Palmdale

Negligent Security Cases in Palmdale, California – Know Your Rights as a Customer of a Business and What You Can Do if You are Injured on a Business Property in Palmdale


One thing that customers of businesses in Palmdale may want to know is that there are certain California civil laws that aim to protect them when they patronize a business or visit a business property. These civil personal injury premises liability laws protect people in cases called “negligent security” cases. In a Palmdale negligent security case, typically a business owner or business property owner has failed to keep a customer or business patron safe on their property or at their business by having poor or inadequate security in place. But in what types of situations do negligent security cases commonly arise in Palmdale, and what can victims who have been seriously injured as a result of negligent security at a business or business property do to get compensation for their injuries and losses? To help Palmdale residents and victims who have been injured on business properties in Palmdale due to negligent security better understand this important part of California civil laws and get legal help, we answer these questions here.

Negligent Security Cases in Palmdale: Three Situations Where Palmdale Customers are at Risk 

There are a number of situations in which business owners and business property owners can fail or have failed to keep Palmdale customers and residents safe on their properties. However, there are three common situations where negligent security cases in Palmdale may arise, that Palmdale residents should know about. These three common types of negligent security cases include:

  • Assaults and other crimes in apartment complexes and residential properties: Palmdale property owners and apartment management companies have a duty to keep tenants and visitors reasonably safe on their properties. Failure to do so could give rise to liability under negligent security premises liability laws;
  • Attacks, thefts, and crimes committed against customers and visitors in commercial properties and retail spaces: Palmdale business owners, including movie theatre owners, retail store owners, grocery store owners, and any other type of business owner in the commercial and retail space must maintain safe properties, including providing appropriate security. Failure to do so puts customers at risk, and customers who have been injured as a result of this failure may have a claim for compensation under California laws;
  • Assaults and other crimes at nightclubs, bars, and other entertainment venues: similarly, owners of businesses that serve alcohol and where customers may go for nightlife, dancing, and fun, have an obligation under the law to provide adequate security to prevent assaults, rapes, and other serious crimes. If a person is injured in Palmdale due to the failure of a business owner to maintain adequate security, they may have a case for damages.

 Of course, this list is not exhaustive, and Palmdale business patrons and visitors to business properties should know that they may have a case for compensation if they are injured on a business property due to the failure of the business to maintain a safe space, including adequate security measures.

If you were injured on a business property in Palmdale and you need legal help getting important money compensation due to you, contact the experienced Palmdale negligent security lawyers at the Trevino Law Firm. Contact the Trevino Law Firm now and speak to a lawyer about your case.

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